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Feb 01, 2012 rated it it was ok
After 1 chapter, I can report he uses 10x as many words as needed. Repetitive and unsubstantial. Hope it gets better. As of chapter 5, I am finding an occasional useful nugget, but must add that I suspect the author is a complete and utter dillhole.
BuenoBomb aka Andre Bueno
1. Have a can-do attitude (solutions, positive, belief, actions)
2. Believe that I will figure it out (either you or find someone else)
3. Focus on opportunities (problems solved = good)
4. Love challenges (success begets more success, fuel, stimulation)
5. Seek to solve problems (bigger the better)
6. Persist until successful (important, develop, what are you made of?)
7. Take risk (put something on the line, gamble, criticised, don't play safe)
8. Be unreasonable (act without reason, not agreed upon
1. Have a can-do attitude (solutions, positive, belief, actions)
2. Believe that I will figure it out (either you or find someone else)
3. Focus on opportunities (problems solved = good)
4. Love challenges (success begets more success, fuel, stimulation)
5. Seek to solve problems (bigger the better)
6. Persist until successful (important, develop, what are you made of?)
7. Take risk (put something on the line, gamble, criticised, don't play safe)
8. Be unreasonable (act without reason, not agreed upon realities)
9. Be dangerous (being safe is dangerous, massive action is needed)
10. Create wealth (money is abundant, create products, services, solutions)
11. Readily take action (rarely do nothing, consistent high levels of action)
12. Always say yes (> possibilities, positive, never say no unless I have to)
13. Habitually commit (put it on the line, all in, don't try – do)
14. Go all the way (no half measures, rewards success, don't be reasonable)
15. Focus on now (don't put off, immediate, momentum, confidence)
16. Be courageous (don't give into your fears, everyone has them)
17. Embrace change (what is coming next, advantage, adapt)
18. Determined to make the right choice (work hard but work smart)
19. Break traditional ideas (Google, don't follow - create, forward thinking)
20. Be goal oriented (target – not problem, your personal goals, write down)
21. Be on a mission (think big, be on a mission, zealous, change world)
22. Have a high level of motivation (enthusiasm, purpose, mission, drive)
23. Be interested in results (not time, results are all that matter)
24. Big goals, big dreams (not realistic, out of reach, spread yourself, radical)
25. Create your own reality (produce your dream, create what you want)
26. Commit first figure out later (don't pass opportunity, be scared, push)
27. Be highly ethical (everything within your power to succeed)
28. Be interested in the group (you will be dragged down, self-serving)
29. Be dedicated to continuous learning (Top CEOs read 60 books a year, the average employee reads 1. That's why their income is 319x the average employee).
30. Be uncomfortable (willing, discomfort is an indicator of progress)
31. Reach up in relationships (smarter, creative people, more to share)
32. Be disciplined (constructive habits, form habits, part of you)
Poyan Nabati
The 10X Rule is summarized by two main components; setting massive goals and taking massive action. The idea proposed is that since all goals require an extraordinary amount of work and effort, then you might as well set big goals. Also, setting big goals will greatly increase your level of motivation compared to setting average goals. This must then be backed up by taking massive action.

Overall I found this book to be overly simplistic, shallow and too "american". At times, it reads like a was

The 10X Rule is summarized by two main components; setting massive goals and taking massive action. The idea proposed is that since all goals require an extraordinary amount of work and effort, then you might as well set big goals. Also, setting big goals will greatly increase your level of motivation compared to setting average goals. This must then be backed up by taking massive action.

Overall I found this book to be overly simplistic, shallow and too "american". At times, it reads like a washed out Anthony Robbins infomercial. He makes many nonsensical arguments that he doesn't back up.

Key takeaways;
1. Set massive goals (do not reduce them as you write them!) and then take massive action. Attempt to take 10x the action that you would think would be reasonable. Even if you don't end up reaching that goal, you will still produce more than you would with a lower goal.

2. Obscurity is your biggest issue. Usually talent is not the main thing that will hold you back, but rather obscurity, that people and organisations don't know of you and what you offer. Talent can be acquired after a deal has been struck.

3. Assume and expect every project will take 10x the resources and put effort into it accordingly. Literally, the amount of resources you think a project will consume, multiply that by ten and that is what is required. Made sense to me regarding my entrepreneurial endeavours.

Feb 10, 2016 rated it did not like it
I listened to the audiobook. I don't disagree with his conclusions, although the way I arrive at those same conclusions differs vastly than his condescending, tough-guy approach. Telling the reader repeatedly to not "be a little bitch" and constantly screaming throughout the audiobook as if it helps deliver his points more poignantly didn't resonate with me in the least.

Let me give you a summary. In today's society we too often sell ourselves short. Society tells us to make smaller, achievable

I listened to the audiobook. I don't disagree with his conclusions, although the way I arrive at those same conclusions differs vastly than his condescending, tough-guy approach. Telling the reader repeatedly to not "be a little bitch" and constantly screaming throughout the audiobook as if it helps deliver his points more poignantly didn't resonate with me in the least.

Let me give you a summary. In today's society we too often sell ourselves short. Society tells us to make smaller, achievable goals rather than reach for the stars because if we fall short, we stop going after the goal altogether. In Cardone's mind, this is backwards. Society assumes that our we overestimate our abilities rather than underestimate the time that it would take to reach our goals. By working 10x harder and planning to spend 10x more time on our goals, our progress increases exponentially and we CAN, in fact, reach extremely difficult goals. Throw in a lot of "10 times" jargon to try and convince readers how intelligent he is and BOOM! That's the book. Now don't waste your time reading it.

Dr. Appu Sasidharan

(Regular Review) This is one of the worst self-help books I have ever read. The author tells us to set our goals high (10x times than most of our current goals).
"You must set targets ten times that you desire and then do ten times that would require you to accomplish that target. Massive thoughts must be followed by massive actions."

This book started well with the above idea. Sadly, this is the only idea in this book. He repeats this idea again and again to the extent that we will sta

(Regular Review) This is one of the worst self-help books I have ever read. The author tells us to set our goals high (10x times than most of our current goals).
"You must set targets ten times that you desire and then do ten times that would require you to accomplish that target. Massive thoughts must be followed by massive actions."

This book started well with the above idea. Sadly, this is the only idea in this book. He repeats this idea again and again to the extent that we will start sleeping when we see the word 10x. The author tries to mix it with some business advice like

"Most successful CEO's are reported to read an average of 60 books and attend more than 6 conferences each year due to their dedication to continuous learning"

Telling the reader repeatedly to not "be a little bitch" and trying to say things in a male chauvinistic way is atrocious. I don't know whether the author was trying to make the reader uncomfortable, as he said in this book.

"Be willing to be uncomfortable and do what makes other people uncomfortable as well. It is a sheer sign that you are on your way to success."

This book just gives you one single message. Go the extra mile. This idea is conveyed in the worst way possible. I have read the full 240 pages of it, thinking that I will get at least one new idea. But sadly, there wasn't any.

Ross Blocher
If you're going to read this massively repetitious book, I recommend the audio version so you can enjoy the particular, odd performance of its author, Grant Cardone. He's made massive amounts of money from hustling his sales products and he wants to encourage you to follow your dreams of massive wealth and influence by working nonstop and at ten times the rate of your competitors, whatever your trade. Why do I keep saying the word massive? Because he does: pummeling us nonstop in the husky bark If you're going to read this massively repetitious book, I recommend the audio version so you can enjoy the particular, odd performance of its author, Grant Cardone. He's made massive amounts of money from hustling his sales products and he wants to encourage you to follow your dreams of massive wealth and influence by working nonstop and at ten times the rate of your competitors, whatever your trade. Why do I keep saying the word massive? Because he does: pummeling us nonstop in the husky bark of a football coach to always be on, always be working, always be making a deal and setting goals far above what is reasonable to achieve "massive action". You can tell he wrote the book the way he approaches everything in his life: "I'm going to get this thing done, right now, I'm not going to think too much about it, and then I'm moving on." Cardone prides himself on being able to say just how many books he's written, how many TV appearances he's made, and a variety of other lists he keeps to demonstrate his massive accomplishments. This is just another book under his belt, and I'll wager it's massively similar to his previous missive: "If You're Not First, You're Last", which he references regularly. I would expect the same from other greatest hits such as "Sell or Be Sold" and "Be Obsessed or Be Average". This means that he's not particularly concerned with structuring his thoughts or refining a sentence. For example, when telling us that NOT doing anything takes just as much energy as action, he lists symptoms such as "boredom, lethargic, complacence, apathy..." No one, not even the beleaguered editor, has told him the perfectly good word "lethargy" would make his list consistent. Elsewhere he asserts that his editor made him use the word "maligned", which he feels the need to define for us: "That means hammered or beat up". His delivery reminds me of the giant, spherical boulder in Indiana Jones: it's rolling, it's not going to stop, and it will flatten anything that gets in his way. Regularly, Cardone encounters words that trip him up, and he just eats those words, leaving out or compressing as many syllables as needed to get the thing uttered and move on.

Cardone relishes jumping into a situation he's not at all prepared for, faking it until he makes it, and then leaping right into the next endeavor. He encourages us to do the same: over-promise, but then over-deliver as well. There's a certain sense to this advice, and I'm glad it's worked out for him, but if everyone follows suit there will be a huge uptick in epic failures as his acolytes lunge headfirst into projects they are ill equipped to complete (leaving messes for others to clean up). His attitude also bespeaks a massive amount of privilege that he seems unaware of. We should all be able to go, go, go like he does, and those who stay by the wayside are whiners and... he says this repeatedly... "little bitches". There's a whole chapter on those who live in the victim mentality and blame their situation on others, when they should be taking full responsibility for everything that happens to them. Again, there's a little bit of sense to this in terms of personal motivation, but it's massively callous to a whole bunch of people who aren't born with Cardone's drive and opportunities. The book is also pervaded by a perverse sense of karma, that bad things only happen to people who deserve them. He gives the example of a car wreck, saying you could have avoided it by being prepared and not rushing at the last minute (that's not how that works when you're not at fault). Cardone assures us that when bad things happen to good people, the good people aren't owning up to their role in the situation... Seriously? Do I need to provide counter-examples, Grant? He has heard criticisms like these, and easily writes them off as the grumblings of haters who are simply jealous of his accomplishments.

Not wanting us to think he's just a greedy egomaniac (contra his outright statement "I WANT too much money"), Cardone encourages us to make sure our goals are in service of something higher to "improve conditions for all mankind". Well, that's nice. Except that for him a high-level goal is to be one of the largest donors to his church. He never elaborates on it here, but he's referring to the Church of Scientology. He's reached the top level of OT8 and donated millions of dollars to the money-making cult. Reference this creepy video with his poor daughter. There are traces of Scientology lingo pervading the book, including the above "improve conditions for all mankind" as well as references to "sane person", "covert", "stratospheric", "no action", "survival" and "dynamic", along with exhortations to avoid psychiatrists and medication, plus his own special, idiosyncratic definition of ethics. Indeed, when I was taking classes at the Church of Scientology, I asked my instructor what a good example would be of someone who has applied the principles of Scientology to great success. Someone who might serve as a role model and example. He provided one name: Grant Cardone.

I'll admit, I warmed up to Cardone a bit as I read this. He's a crazy, high-energy guy doing his crazy, high-energy thing. I can see how, for certain people at a certain point in their lives, this might be just the repetitive football-coach-in-the-ear they need to take massive action on their goals. However, it fails the categorical imperative. I'd hate to live in a world filled with copies of this guy.

Brett Noneman
Jul 06, 2013 rated it did not like it
I Listened to the 10X rule on audio book (Grant reads it himself). I also met the man in person. Terrible on all counts. Let me save you the read by summarizing - "work hard and dream big and good things will come to you." It's trite and repetitive and supported only with sweeping statements and broad generalizations. My favorite quote from his lecture says it all "It's not stalking if it works, right?" I Listened to the 10X rule on audio book (Grant reads it himself). I also met the man in person. Terrible on all counts. Let me save you the read by summarizing - "work hard and dream big and good things will come to you." It's trite and repetitive and supported only with sweeping statements and broad generalizations. My favorite quote from his lecture says it all "It's not stalking if it works, right?" ...more
Jan 25, 2017 rated it did not like it
Really hated this book, the author comes over as someone with a lot of issues (narcissistic and neurotic), he wants to play the motivational though guy but he overdoes it way too much. His way of speaking only annoys me and remembers me of what I dont want to be. So one star for remembering me for what I should not go for.
Starts with almost half an hour of empty promises and then doesn't deliver. "You underestimated the amount of success you need and the amount of work required to get there, so work 10x more." That's the whole book. Don't bother listening to it. Starts with almost half an hour of empty promises and then doesn't deliver. "You underestimated the amount of success you need and the amount of work required to get there, so work 10x more." That's the whole book. Don't bother listening to it. ...more
Sarah Churchill
I've read a number of personal development books, and plan to read many more. Once common trait across most of those I've read is repetition, and a feeling of 'filler' to make the book worthwhile page count wise. This is NOT like that.

Every chapter had a purpose, and while he does drive the points home, he doesn't hit you over the head with it again and again and...

What I love most about this book is the zero bullsh*t it allows. I listened to this when I really needed a kick up the backside, an

I've read a number of personal development books, and plan to read many more. Once common trait across most of those I've read is repetition, and a feeling of 'filler' to make the book worthwhile page count wise. This is NOT like that.

Every chapter had a purpose, and while he does drive the points home, he doesn't hit you over the head with it again and again and...

What I love most about this book is the zero bullsh*t it allows. I listened to this when I really needed a kick up the backside, and it did that. Listening to the audiobook narrated by the author was beneficial I think, as he does go off page to add or elaborate points, though sometimes distracting as he seemed to struggle with the pronunciation of many of the longer words in his book. Nobody can deny his passion and drive though, and that comes across with every word.

Overall I really appreciated the tough love attitude of this book, and I believe I will listen to it many times over the coming years.

Altho this is 50% self-marketing, and 50% motivation, I believe this is as far as humanly possible to go with motivation, and I love it.
Grant also points out few good points, and share his perspective as (let's keep it simple) Salesman and Hustler.
Altho this is 50% self-marketing, and 50% motivation, I believe this is as far as humanly possible to go with motivation, and I love it.
Grant also points out few good points, and share his perspective as (let's keep it simple) Salesman and Hustler.
Mario Tomic
Dec 07, 2014 rated it it was amazing
5 stars! If you ever wondered what really separates the successful from the average this book gives you the answer, straight up, no BS. I would seriously recommend it for everyone, it doesn't matter what you do in life this book will kick you in the ass and get you moving in the right direction. In essence the book will brain wash you and insert a "Take massive action" mindset right in your brain. The author broke down the formula to success and the effects of thinking big in a very clear way, t 5 stars! If you ever wondered what really separates the successful from the average this book gives you the answer, straight up, no BS. I would seriously recommend it for everyone, it doesn't matter what you do in life this book will kick you in the ass and get you moving in the right direction. In essence the book will brain wash you and insert a "Take massive action" mindset right in your brain. The author broke down the formula to success and the effects of thinking big in a very clear way, there's absolutely no excuse for you to NOT take action after you read this book. Don't wait, get on it, I mean right now. ...more
Stephen Smotherman
Take massive action by skipping this book and spending your time on a much better book. The book can be boiled down to this... Set massive goals and take massive action... Massively... I think the book would be half as long if you took out the words "massive," and "important." Take massive action by skipping this book and spending your time on a much better book. The book can be boiled down to this... Set massive goals and take massive action... Massively... I think the book would be half as long if you took out the words "massive," and "important." ...more
Norman Parker
This book centers on sales. The author clearly has worthwhile information to dispense, but the overwhelming concentration focuses on the application of motivation toward making sales. The information that I gleaned from this book could have been written in a couple of chapters.

I was looking for a book to help me learn to focus my energy, finish my projects. There is some of that here, but I would not recommend this book for anyone looking for the same.

The author has so much contradictory info

This book centers on sales. The author clearly has worthwhile information to dispense, but the overwhelming concentration focuses on the application of motivation toward making sales. The information that I gleaned from this book could have been written in a couple of chapters.

I was looking for a book to help me learn to focus my energy, finish my projects. There is some of that here, but I would not recommend this book for anyone looking for the same.

The author has so much contradictory information that it taints the useful portions. For example, he mentions accepting and committing to projects with NO preparation, that if someone has to prepare anything it is already too late. While this method may work in sales, where B.S. is king, it does NOT work when a project deals in real work using real materials. Imagine committing to build a road without even considering the necessary man-power, the procurement of materials and tools, the permits required, the environmental-impact studies necessary, the necessary funding, etc.

Having said that, I recognize the underlying message; that is, do not let these type of preparations stand in the way of a project. Do not let them be an excuse for not accepting or completing a project.

In summary, I got some value from this book but I would not recommend it to anyone I know.

Steve Sarner
I can sum this book up in 8 simple and (apologies) a bit crude words. But warning - it is a spoiler.

Here you go:

(view spoiler)[ Work your ass off and be an asshole (hide spoiler)]

Cardone is spot on correct on the first 4 words and, unfortunately, one of the problems with the second 4. That may be an unfair thing to say but, he actually advises operating in this manner. To his credit he gives up the 10X theory and formula, if you will, in the first few pages. The rest is hyper overselling and i

I can sum this book up in 8 simple and (apologies) a bit crude words. But warning - it is a spoiler.

Here you go:

(view spoiler)[ Work your ass off and be an asshole (hide spoiler)]

Cardone is spot on correct on the first 4 words and, unfortunately, one of the problems with the second 4. That may be an unfair thing to say but, he actually advises operating in this manner. To his credit he gives up the 10X theory and formula, if you will, in the first few pages. The rest is hyper overselling and in many cases unrealistic and/or undesirable.

He's a motivational speaker and it exudes in his writing. He's very good at marketing himself and what works for him, however, it's highly unlikely it will work for you. Certainly not me.

Hey, sometimes a kick in the pants is a good thing and if you need one then you might want to skim this book. Or you can just read my spoiler and save yourself 10X the trouble.

Maciej Nowicki
Mar 21, 2019 rated it really liked it
The 10x rule is a concept which says that whenever you think to achieve something, do 10 times more than you previously thought. Whatever you think that you need to do, or what you are expected to do to get things done, just do way more. A bit cliché, nevertheless, you can apply this leverage to so many areas of your life and in most situations, it will be your critical factor in the whole process. The concept is not only about doing more but also about changing your perspective. Think about the The 10x rule is a concept which says that whenever you think to achieve something, do 10 times more than you previously thought. Whatever you think that you need to do, or what you are expected to do to get things done, just do way more. A bit cliché, nevertheless, you can apply this leverage to so many areas of your life and in most situations, it will be your critical factor in the whole process. The concept is not only about doing more but also about changing your perspective. Think about the goal, let's say you want to change a job in a year or read a book in the coming month, then say to yourself I'm going to do that next quarter or week. Do you feel the weight of challenge on the coming way and the required shift in your mentality?

The book also says, never reduce your target. The solution is to increase your efforts to a 10x level to balance the fact that your goal will take much more to achieve. Grant Cardone, the author of the book, says that there are 4 degrees of action people take to achieve their target. The first one is "No action". Many people simply do nothing in the face of opportunity or challenge, but even not taking action still use this effort finding useless excuses and ways to avoid taking action.

The second degree is to "Retrieve". Many people run away from their issues not just do nothing. There are so many companies that, literally, refuse to learn social media because it is a new challenge for their businesses. This is a rather self-destructing group as the most people establish small and easily achievable goals which is one of the reasons why people quit on their goals because it does not give the rewards they would like to get. It is not exciting enough whenever people start feeling a little resistance and they become more pressured to give up.

The third form of action is "Average action" or a common behaviour. This is where the majority of the population is. They just take enough action to reach their average. This approach is commonly accepted and encouraged by society since most people are doing it and, as a result, it becomes a social norm.

The last type of action is "Huge action". This is happening when you take an insane amount of action and where you apply the 10x rule. Simply saying, you make 10 times the effort than any other average person, however, since this degree of action is not the social norm many people will find it odd.

Cardone says that the worst type of action is the third one as when you are putting in dedicating a lot of time and effort into your projects, there are chances that people from the third group will try to discourage you.

On the other hand, the book presents the thing which I don't agree with. It is blaming yourself for everything. Take responsibility not even for the things you are able to control because this is the default way, but take responsibility and ownership for the factors you can't control entirely. I'd say that there are always things out of our control, however, if we really want to achieve something we should look for relationships, variables, stakeholders which... (if you like to read my full review please visit my blog

Lindsay Nixon
This is a manifesto to workaholism. Cardone flatly rejects ideas of "work-life balance." He's selling intensity = success. You have to DOMINATE. You have to be willing to do 10x the action to win, and be unreasonable. He's also solidly in the quantity over quality camp.

Most of the book is tough love: if you're not successful, it's because you're a 'retreater' and not hustling enough.

There were a few viewpoints I found interesting:

*Operate with an attitude of "domination" instead of "competitio

This is a manifesto to workaholism. Cardone flatly rejects ideas of "work-life balance." He's selling intensity = success. You have to DOMINATE. You have to be willing to do 10x the action to win, and be unreasonable. He's also solidly in the quantity over quality camp.

Most of the book is tough love: if you're not successful, it's because you're a 'retreater' and not hustling enough.

There were a few viewpoints I found interesting:

*Operate with an attitude of "domination" instead of "competition" (Cardone believes if you are a 'competitor' that's already a sign of failure and retreat... don't start with a disadvantaged mindset, he says. "Competing" is failure, if you're competing you'll lose. Competing is copying.)

*We underestimate how much effort success takes. Whether it's getting a good grade or a promotion, it's 10x more work than we thought it would require when we started. Always plan for 10x

*Don't feed fear it's favorite food: time. Starve it. If you're afraid to do something (make a sales call, talk to boss, confront a friend) do it. Don't get a cup of coffee and think about what you say. That just feeds the fear and grows it larger.

Overall:If you want to justify being a workaholic, this is a great book. If you want tough love, this is a good book. You won't find a lot that is actionable here, it's mostly chest pumping and telling you to go out there and hustle and don't sleep.

Robert Chapman
At first I thought this book was a just a massive oil slick from a fast talking sales guy. But when I read a book I never let the first impression stop my from going the distance. This strategy always pays off for me and it was no different this time around.

I'm not a sales guy, and the good news is, you don't need to be one either to lean something really valuable about success from this book. If you follow my reviews then you know that I listen to a lot of books on audio instead of actually rea

At first I thought this book was a just a massive oil slick from a fast talking sales guy. But when I read a book I never let the first impression stop my from going the distance. This strategy always pays off for me and it was no different this time around.

I'm not a sales guy, and the good news is, you don't need to be one either to lean something really valuable about success from this book. If you follow my reviews then you know that I listen to a lot of books on audio instead of actually reading them. I do this so I can maximize my time while working out early in the morning. I found this book was great as an audio version as it's read by the author and he genuinely conveys his passion for the program outlined in the book.

I had some really good takeaways from this book, I won't share them all because you really should take in this book in its entirety.

Never reduce the targets of your goals, set them really high.

There are 4 levels of action, massive action being the best. You'll know you are taking massive action against your goals when people start criticizing what you are doing. That's a strange idea at first, but when you play through the scenarios in the book it really makes sense.

The one I loved the best is commit and figure out the how later. When an opportunity presents itself, don't get stuck in the how, just say YES and then figure out how to deliver afterwards. Again, this is something that seems totally foreign to people as it puts everyone outside of their comfort zone.

I'm a pretty engaged person when it comes to my work, but I wanted to test this out so I started going at a few things harder - with massive action. I saw the results immediately and I'm looking forward to doing more of it.

David Bradley
Apr 10, 2012 rated it it was amazing
Where are you at in your life? Are you satisfied with that?

This is NOT just another how to get rich quick book. Especially if getting RICH is just a money thing for you. This book is about SUCCESS. Success with anything you want to excel at. Your faith, your relationships, your career, your finances. The 10x Rule will teach you exactly what you need to know in order to achieve the success you desire and deserve in life.

Grant's writing will do a few things for you. #1, help you get your head in

Where are you at in your life? Are you satisfied with that?

This is NOT just another how to get rich quick book. Especially if getting RICH is just a money thing for you. This book is about SUCCESS. Success with anything you want to excel at. Your faith, your relationships, your career, your finances. The 10x Rule will teach you exactly what you need to know in order to achieve the success you desire and deserve in life.

Grant's writing will do a few things for you. #1, help you get your head in the right place to even embrace success. #2, it will enable you to identify how to attack your target in a way that guarantees you win and 3, you will discover exactly how much action you will need to take to achieve the result you're after.

There are no punches pulled and this road map to success is laid out for anyone on any budget to follow with pragmatic, practical, common sense approaches to achieve anything you want from life.


Rolando Gill
Sep 13, 2011 rated it it was amazing
I know that I don't want to recommend this book. I dont want any Realtor in my area to read this book until I have time to establish my footprint on the market. The book didn't start out very well but it gained momentum and really helped me change the way I see my profession. Great book because it spurred so much thinking and optimism. I think I could follow Grant Cardone anywhere. I know that I don't want to recommend this book. I dont want any Realtor in my area to read this book until I have time to establish my footprint on the market. The book didn't start out very well but it gained momentum and really helped me change the way I see my profession. Great book because it spurred so much thinking and optimism. I think I could follow Grant Cardone anywhere. ...more
Mahmoud Sarrieeldin
This is a life changing book, the type of books that has a powerful, heartfelt,and honest message.

The 10X rule is basically applying 10x times levels of thinking (10 times your goals ) & 10 times the levels of action. It's the opposite of the new age that spreads the message of "work less, have fun, life is short". These high levels of thinking & action comes from your passion (if you have nothing, you will be suffering while applying the 10x rule)

Main takeaways :

1-Coming up short on 10 times wh

This is a life changing book, the type of books that has a powerful, heartfelt,and honest message.

The 10X rule is basically applying 10x times levels of thinking (10 times your goals ) & 10 times the levels of action. It's the opposite of the new age that spreads the message of "work less, have fun, life is short". These high levels of thinking & action comes from your passion (if you have nothing, you will be suffering while applying the 10x rule)

Main takeaways :

1-Coming up short on 10 times what you need is way better than coming up short on your actual goal ( imagine achieving goal vs achieving one tenth of your goal).

2-If your idea doesn't "excessively" occupy your own thoughts, then how you think it will occupy the thoughts of others  -Author quote.

3-If you think that you are AFRAID, then you should know that NOW is the time. There is no need to prepare, TAKE ACTION.Refuse to FEED fear with TIME.TAKE the plunge !

4-Don't think of ETHER/OR start thinking of ALL/EVERYTHING
5-The only way to INCREASE TIME is to do MORE in the time you have.

6-Weak and overwhelmed individuals respond to others' success by attacking successful individuals.

7-Customer Complaints are great because they tell you about the ways to get better ( look at them as an "opportunity")

8-No Excuse that exists that can make you successful. NONE.

9-Anything that is rare has a HUGE VALUE (i.e Gold). On the other hand, Anything that is plentiful has a low VAlue.EXCUSES ARE THE ONLY THING THAT IS AVAILABLE IN ENDLESS AMOUNTS AND THUS HAS ZERO VALUE !!

10-My favorite takeaway : Success is your duty, your responsibility. Treat success as if it's your kid, Your kid has a duty towards you, you have no option but to fulfill this duty.

Susan Kemp
Jan 30, 2017 rated it did not like it
Holy shit, this was painful.

I'm in a small business owner book club, which has been a wonderful addition to my life in the last year because we often read books that give practical advice and then are able to discuss their real-world application with people in different roles/career levels.

But honestly, this book could be completely summed up by it's title: If you put 10x more effort into any project, you will be successful. I'm actually not even sure I buy the premise. I'm more prone to believe

Holy shit, this was painful.

I'm in a small business owner book club, which has been a wonderful addition to my life in the last year because we often read books that give practical advice and then are able to discuss their real-world application with people in different roles/career levels.

But honestly, this book could be completely summed up by it's title: If you put 10x more effort into any project, you will be successful. I'm actually not even sure I buy the premise. I'm more prone to believe Malcolm Gladwell that all success stories often come hand in hand with extraordinary circumstances/opportunities (and so if you get these opportunities, you need to seize them). I don't agree with a lot of this book. He makes the claim that just because one person succeeds, doesn't mean other people can't succeed so you shouldn't use other people's success as an excuse for why you can't succeed. But then he also says you want fresh ideas, not just to use the same ideas already out there, competing in the marketplace. Those two ideas seem to contradict yourself. Yes, the fact that Facebook won absolutely means Friendster/MySpace lost.

I didn't really pick up anything worth remembering, except "put a lot of effort into what you do," which I learned from my Tee-ball coach at age 6.

Kelly Hudson
Oct 21, 2016 rated it did not like it
There are some good nuggets of information. I quickly got tired of Grant's style of self promotion with - Look at me, I'm awesome There are some good nuggets of information. I quickly got tired of Grant's style of self promotion with - Look at me, I'm awesome ...more
Apr 14, 2019 rated it liked it
Hidden in the hyperbole are some good suggestions. 10x rule can be summed up as work harder, be more disciplined, increase actions and have targets. Weird chapter names such as Success is your Duty and the mantra Success is your duty, obligation, and respirate repeated throughout the book. This does help get the right mindset even if it feels uncomfortable from a moral perspective and turns you into a self centered greedy human being fixated on money.

That said there are some good ideas buried i

Hidden in the hyperbole are some good suggestions. 10x rule can be summed up as work harder, be more disciplined, increase actions and have targets. Weird chapter names such as Success is your Duty and the mantra Success is your duty, obligation, and respirate repeated throughout the book. This does help get the right mindset even if it feels uncomfortable from a moral perspective and turns you into a self centered greedy human being fixated on money.

That said there are some good ideas buried in this book. Be disciplined, consistent, and persistent in your actions. Approach every dap with passion and a to do action list. Be above average. Set goals. Obsession can be productive. Over commit and do not have white space on your calendar. Make yourself known in your field. Below are 32 ways to improve your chances of success outlined in the book.

Have a can do attitude
Believe that I will figure it out
Focus on opportunity
Love challenges
Seek to solve problems
Persist until successful
Take risks
Be unreasonable
Be dangerous
Create wealth
Readily take action
Always say yes unless it is illegal
Habitually commit
Go all the way
Focus on now
Demonstrate courage
Embrace change
Determine and take the right approach
Break traditional ideas
Be goal oriented
Be on a mission
Have a high level of motivation
Be interested in results
Have big goals and dreams
Create your own reality
Commit first and figure out later
Be highly ethical
Be interested in the group
Be dedicated to continuous learning and improvement
Be uncomfortable
Reach up in relationships
Be disciplined

As I said some good ideas in the book as long as you find some balance which the author appears to lack. However, kudos to his energy, commitment and success. He also does have a tv show on the entrepreneur channel.

Aug 08, 2014 rated it did not like it
After reading the first half of the book and skimming the second (because I couldn't pull myself to actually read it), I can not understand how this got so many good reviews. If you're the kind of person that requires a drill sergeant screaming in your face to get motivated, then by all means, this book is for you. While I agree with Cardone's underlying ideas of taking risk, working hard, and setting higher goals than you think you can achieve, his execution is verbose and abrasive. And as some After reading the first half of the book and skimming the second (because I couldn't pull myself to actually read it), I can not understand how this got so many good reviews. If you're the kind of person that requires a drill sergeant screaming in your face to get motivated, then by all means, this book is for you. While I agree with Cardone's underlying ideas of taking risk, working hard, and setting higher goals than you think you can achieve, his execution is verbose and abrasive. And as someone coming from a science background, I found his excessive use of hyperbole and lack of research or citation undermined his overall message.

As someone that has been struggling with anxiety recently, this book did nothing more than elevate my blood pressure. Much of my anxiety came from doing some of the things that Cardone advocates. I'm not saying his methods can't work, but buyer beware. It's not for everyone.

I think my husband summed up the book beautifully. After reading some excerpts from the book to get his opinion, he said, "Why doesn't he just draw a big dick on the first page and call it a day?"

Instead of reading this, I recommend reading the chapter on Habit 1 (Be Proactive) in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey and Daring Greatly by Brenee Brown. You'll get a similar message without feeling like someone just ran you over with sandpaper.

Aug 21, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Grant Cardone is not a self help guru who will blow smoke up your butt about what it takes to succeed or achieve your goals. Most people are average—they think average, they work average, they have average relationships. They do the minimal amount to get by and claim they are a success. They tell you to not stress, have fun, relax, make just enough to by middle class, and don't try to be anything other than the socially agreed upon ideal of a middle class slave.

Cardone says you need to take MAS

Grant Cardone is not a self help guru who will blow smoke up your butt about what it takes to succeed or achieve your goals. Most people are average—they think average, they work average, they have average relationships. They do the minimal amount to get by and claim they are a success. They tell you to not stress, have fun, relax, make just enough to by middle class, and don't try to be anything other than the socially agreed upon ideal of a middle class slave.

Cardone says you need to take MASSIVE ACTION in all aspects of your life. 10 times the amount of effort you'd normally utilize to achieve your goals. No matter if it's a business or a relationship, you have to go 10 times as far as society tells you to do.

His best tidbit of advice: commit, then figure it out. Don't get bogged down in planning and organizing- commit to the goal an then the details will fill themselves in.

Yolanda Solo
Jun 08, 2014 rated it really liked it
I really wanted to dislike this book. Grant Cardone is so unforgiving of any excuses and has a very ´aggressive´ attitude to winning and sales. As a woman and as a mother I find it too extreme ... except ... that he is absolutely right.

It made me uncomfortable because it highlighted how many excuses I make. Even if I don´t want to take it to his level, he is right in demanding more, in telling us to aim higher, aim bigger.

He reminds me of an army officer at boot camp screaming at you to get off

I really wanted to dislike this book. Grant Cardone is so unforgiving of any excuses and has a very ´aggressive´ attitude to winning and sales. As a woman and as a mother I find it too extreme ... except ... that he is absolutely right.

It made me uncomfortable because it highlighted how many excuses I make. Even if I don´t want to take it to his level, he is right in demanding more, in telling us to aim higher, aim bigger.

He reminds me of an army officer at boot camp screaming at you to get off your arse and do more, be the best you can be. You would curse them during training, but when it is over, appreciate how they helped get the best out of you.

Feb 03, 2016 rated it it was ok
Let me save you some time you can spend on sth else: set yourself massive goals and then put a massive action to acomplish them. There you go, dont have to read it
Tony Rogers  Jr.
A highly repetitious book with a simple message that was summed up in the first chapter. 10x = set MASSIVE goals and take MASSIVE action and don't let fear, criticism, excuses or the status quo stop you from hitting your goal.

A decent reminder of the common denominator of all successful people... they are highly action oriented...they don't just talk, they back it up by MASSIVE action in spite of the obstacles in their way.

This book has 23 chapters and is 230 pages. Theres an incredible amount o

A highly repetitious book with a simple message that was summed up in the first chapter. 10x = set MASSIVE goals and take MASSIVE action and don't let fear, criticism, excuses or the status quo stop you from hitting your goal.

A decent reminder of the common denominator of all successful people... they are highly action oriented...they don't just talk, they back it up by MASSIVE action in spite of the obstacles in their way.

This book has 23 chapters and is 230 pages. Theres an incredible amount of repetition, rambling and fluff.

That being said, there were a few chapters I found to be extremely powerful, not because of the authors delivery per say, but because of the core messages contained in them. For example:
Chapter 4 - Success is your Duty
This chapter talks about how we should see success as our duty in life...more like a mission, a responsibility or a calling then something we half heartedly pursue. (game changer!)

Chapter 10 - Competition is for Sissys
This chapter talks about how we need to shift our thinking from just competing to dominating our entire market. Make your brand so dominant that it becomes the ONLY name people think about when they want a specific problem solved (for example how Google did with search)

Chapter 20 - Omnipresence
This chapter he talks about the power of being EVERYWHERE and the effect it has on your business.

There were a couple of other nuggets here and there but overall (in my opinion) this is all the good stuff. I would buy it again because I love the messages in the chapters I listed above so much but overall the book as a whole is 3stars at best.

Tony Rogers Jr
Author of Visionary: Making a difference in a world that needs YOU

Kris Muir
📖 #6 for 2019 is "10x Rule" by @grantcardone. Biggest takeaway is that we all underestimate how much effort it takes to achieve success, thus the need for 10x effort. Additionally, creating new success = new problems. So when you face problems, ask yourself if it is rooted in success you have created? This notion, along with many of his other rules, shape your mindset in ways that re-direct your perspective.

Stylistically, it's repetitive and informal. I listened to it on audible and I think tha

📖 #6 for 2019 is "10x Rule" by @grantcardone. Biggest takeaway is that we all underestimate how much effort it takes to achieve success, thus the need for 10x effort. Additionally, creating new success = new problems. So when you face problems, ask yourself if it is rooted in success you have created? This notion, along with many of his other rules, shape your mindset in ways that re-direct your perspective.

Stylistically, it's repetitive and informal. I listened to it on audible and I think that may be the best way to "consume" this book. If I had read it I might have stopped along the way. But it is motivating and will likely push you toward new success. All things considered, the ROI is worth the $15 and 6 hours that I paid for the book.

A final key for me was the notion "don't feed fear with time." In other words, when you are scared to do something (have a difficult conversation, start a side hustle, etc.) just get started. The worst thing you can do is wait, because fear feeds itself on time, and the more time you wait the longer you let the anxiety build up.

Happy Reading!

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Keto 10x 1 10 Jul 24, 2019 11:42PM
I am a NY Times Best Selling Author, internationally-recognized Sales Training Expert, Business Coach, and the Founder and CEO of 3 businesses: Cardone Training Technologies, Cardone Group, and Twin Capital Management. You may have seen me as the star and co-executive producer of a show, called TurnAround King.

In addition to speaking internationally to individuals, companies, and industry leaders

I am a NY Times Best Selling Author, internationally-recognized Sales Training Expert, Business Coach, and the Founder and CEO of 3 businesses: Cardone Training Technologies, Cardone Group, and Twin Capital Management. You may have seen me as the star and co-executive producer of a show, called TurnAround King.

In addition to speaking internationally to individuals, companies, and industry leaders on sales effectiveness, negotiating strategies, business development and business expansion, I am a regular contributor to networks including, Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, Huffington Post, Business Week's Business Exchange, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Reuters, CNBC, Today Show and over 600 radio shows.

I am the author of four published books, with a fifth book slated to release in 2012.
• "Sell To Survive" (2008): The definitive sales survival manual on how to SELL your way through any economy.
• "The Closers Survival Guide" (2009): The ultimate guide to getting sales done.
• "If You're Not First, You're Last" (2010): Sales strategies to dominate your market and beat your competition.
• "The 10X Rule": Where to start, what to do, and how to follow up each action you take with more action to 10X your success!

I have also authored a number of business and motivational audio and video programs; The Rules of Success Motivational Program, Control Without Confrontation, 21st Century Selling, Maximizing Every Opportunity and a customized program for the auto industry called The One a Day Sales and Management Program.

I first became known in the business world with the development of a revolutionary new selling process, known as, Information Assisted Selling (a non-confrontational 21st Century selling approach)


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